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Our Grant Funding

Landmark学院的资助和赞助项目办公室(OGSP)监督学院所有的资助项目. This includes:

OGSP works directly with foundations, state and federal agencies, and corporate sponsors to secure funding for the College. The College currently manages a grant portfolio of more than $3 million.

看看下面一些地标学院当前和最近的资助项目或了解 LCIRT's grant-funded research. You can also learn more about the work of our Institutional Review Board.


Lisa Nye Chabot
Director of Grants and Sponsored Programs
[email protected]

Current and Recent Grant-Funded Projects

  • In February 2021, Landmark College received a $10,000 grant from the Pittsburgh Conference Memorial National College Grant Program to purchase an EvolutionTM 201/220 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer, a smart thermostatted linear 8-Cell changer, and a recirculating water bath by Thermo Fisher. These instruments will be used when teaching chemistry in our Bachelor of Science in Life Science program which was launched in the Fall 2020.

    For more information about this grant, contact Brian Young, STEM Chair, at [email protected].

  • In 2020 the Johnson Scholarship Foundation 授予了一项为期五年的100万美元赠款,用于扩大地标学院的双亚洲博彩平台排名计划. 这项为期五年的配对奖助金支持学院维持和扩大其在线双注册课程的努力, 哪些学校为神经分化学生提供独特的大学课程,帮助他们准备向高等教育过渡, 并创建其他大学水平的在线课程,类似地帮助学生在重要的, often challenging high school, gap year, and year one of college periods. For more information see our news release here.

    Go here to find more information about Landmark College’s online programs.

  • Working with the Center for Health and Learning, Landmark College was awarded a one-year, $29,500 grant through the State Opiate Response grant program. Funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 这笔拨款将扩大我们学生事务团队的能力,以满足学生的药物使用和心理健康需求, as well as expand the College’s prevention and wellness initiatives. During 2021, the funds will be used to train faculty and staff in restorative justice practices; to create a health and wellness curriculum for student orientation; and purchase software that will support these efforts.

    欲了解更多信息,请联系凯利·奥莱恩,学生院长和学生行为主管,地址 [email protected].

  • Landmark College Institute for Research and Training (LCIRT) received a one-year, $70,由克拉拉·富勒图·纳尔逊基金会拨款6万英镑,为该所员工提供专业发展培训 San Antonio Metropolitan Ministry (SAMMinistries). SAMMinistries与圣安东尼奥地区的弱势和无家可归的家庭合作,在他们的过渡性住房设施中安置了大约40个家庭. Several children served by SAMMinistries have learning and attention issues, including executive function challenges. During 2021, LCIRT将提供在线培训,帮助SAMMinistries的工作人员更好地了解无家可归和学习差异的双重创伤对学习和行为的影响.

    For more information about this program contact Manju Banerjee, Vice-President for Educational Research and Innovation, at [email protected].

    For more information about the professional development services offered by LCIRT, please check out the professional development page located here.

  • Beginning with the President’s emergency declaration in March 2020, Landmark College has been granted a total of $1,255,100 under the CARES Act, the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSA), and the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) administered by the U.S. Department of Education. 有关Landmark College如何使用这些资金的详细信息,请参阅我们的CARES Act报告页面 here.

  • Landmark College Institute for Research and Training (LCIRT) is collaborating with Cambridge, Massachusetts-based nonprofit TERC, on $750,美国国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation)拨款5000美元,用于改善自闭症学生基于stem的学习. 该项目使用虚拟现实(VR)技术来增加自闭症学生在STEM领域学习的机会并扩大他们的参与. The three-year project will conclude in 2023. To learn more about this project, please visit the LCIRT grants page located here.

  • In February 2021, Landmark College Institute for Research and Training (LCIRT)  was named a sub-awardee in a $1.EF+数学项目拨款3500万美元,用于设计和开发一个学习系统,将执行功能(EF)支持嵌入到高质量的数学内容和教学中. The three-year project led by CueThink 将专注于理解学生如何学习背后的科学,并从证据基础上构建最强大的解决方案. The resulting CueThinkEF+ product will combine EF scaffolds, metacognitive thinking, problem-solving, social presence and discourse in one package. Additional information related to the project can be found here.

  • In the fall 2020, the Landmark College Entrepreneurial Accelerator Program (LEAP)  received a one-year grant of $50,000 from the Charles Koch Foundation. This is the second year the Foundation has funded LEAP. 该赠款为Landmark的多个研究学院提供跨学科访问和协调, and for the LEAP program. It funds programming, internships, and studies, providing multi-layer benefits to students and employers. 它将建立并产生最佳实践,以促进对当今世界通信和工作场所支持的神经多样性无障碍技术的理解和使用.

    LEAP also has received a $2,500 eFest School Development Grant from the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation. 这些资金将在2021学年期间用于支持Landmark学院企业家计划的学生活动.

    For more information about LEAP, contact Tamara Stenn, LEAP Coordinator, at [email protected].

  • 每年,地标学院为新生提供超过700万美元的奖学金和经济援助. 这些奖学金由捐赠奖学金和个人捐款资助, corporations, and foundations as well as our operating budget. 2020-2021学年的基金会和企业奖学金由以下机构颁发:

    • Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation, $5,000
    • Sorg-Vogt Foundation, $100
    • Clara Freshour Nelson Foundation, $140,000 over two years
    • Chroma Technology, $2,500
    • Alma Gibbs Donchian Foundation, $5,000

    要了解如何为Landmark College的学生提供奖学金,请查看我们的 giving page.

  • Landmark College Institute for Research and Training (LCIRT) has been awarded a one-year, $31,从826国家基金获得778笔拨款,为辅导神经分化学生的志愿写作导师创建一个培训项目. 826 National is a grass-roots, 志愿者组织致力于让年轻人体验写作的变革力量. Training will take place during 2021.

    欲了解更多关于神经发散学生写作技巧教学培训项目的信息,请联系Manju Banerjee, Vice-President for Educational Research and Innovation, at [email protected].

    For more information about the professional development services offered by LCIRT, please check out the professional development page located here.

  • In September 2016 Landmark College received a $650,000 award from the National Science Foundation (award no. 1643326)为学习STEM(科学)的学生提供奖学金和其他支持, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields. Scholarships up to $10,在未来五年内,将向在生命科学或计算机科学领域学习的有重大经济需求的学生提供10,000英镑. In addition to scholarship funding, these AIE-STEM scholars will receive mentoring support, internship opportunities, and other programmatic support. Additional information related to Landmark College’s AIE-STEM award can be found here.

    In 2020, 美国国家科学基金会为AIE-STEM项目提供了98美元的补充资金,556 to extend the program for a sixth year.

    For more information about the AIE-STEM program, please contact Michelle Wallace, Mathematics Coordinator and Project Primary Investigator, at [email protected].

  • The Davis Educational Foundation awarded the College $131,在整个校园范围内发起一项旨在将写作整合到课程中的倡议. 里程碑式大学写作计划为来自不同院系的教师提供整合的支持, articulate, 并应用一种方法来教学和支持写作,无论学科领域. Project activities will wrap up in 2021.

    For more information about the Landmark College Writing Project, contact John Kipp, Chair of Core Education Department, at [email protected].

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